This is a post where people who do not have an LJ Account (and don't really want one) can leave a comment with their information to be included in the database. One of your friendly mods, or another kind-hearted member of the community, will then make a post with your userinfo so that we can tag you as needed.
Please use the form included below - it's copy/paste - and leave the relevant information in a comment on this post. We'll be notified, and will add you into the database as soon as possible.
PERSONAL INFORMATION Name/Fandom Handle: Final Fantasy Fandoms: Media: JOURNALS Livejournal URL(s):Greatestjournal URL:InsaneJournal URL:Journalfen URL:Personal blog/webspace:Other: FANFICTION URL:Ficwad URL:Personal webspace:Misc. archives: FANART URL:y!Gallery URL:Personal webspace:Misc. gallery: OTHER Original works:Misc: