(no subject)

Jun 04, 2006 04:13

Hello! Am new here, and I bring with me a ficlet.

for wynne, who wanted this fic.

Title: Sun and Storm
Series: FFVIII
Genre: General
Rating: PG (language)
Pairing: mild Seifer/Quistis if you want to read it that way
Summary: A take on Squall and Seifer's rivalry.
Criticism: Would be much appreciated, regardless of how harsh it is; just fire away.


“Instructor Trepe, why do we junction Guardian Forces to ourselves when we can simply do battle by hand?”

“That’s because -“

“You don’t even know that? Pathetic.” A sneer. “Isn’t that something we learned - oh, back in basics? Perhaps you should go back and -“ A pause, green eyes falling on the person who dared to ask the question. “Oh, I forgot.” A smirk; he’d lean back in his seat and put his foot up on the computer terminal. “Instructor, wake me up when you start teaching something useful.” He’d close his eyes and go to sleep right there and then, in front of her, slouched insolently in his seat.


She’d never heard him speak, once, except for the occasional “None of your business.” In class, he was hardworking, head bent over the terminals, intently studying the information. He never spoke, never asked questions, and somehow he was always at the top of his class. They praised him, of course. Everyone said he was a model student - intelligent, industrious, possessed of that rare spark of raw talent.

Unlike, of course, that Seifer Almasy. That cocky blond, he’d get himself into trouble one day.


“Didn’t know you were an insomniac, Instructor.”

She’d found him once, at the Secret Area, staring out at the sky brilliantly dotted with stars. She hadn’t thought he was the sort to go there, but he was standing there in his grey-white trenchcoat, looking at her intently.

“I’m not,” she responded automatically. “I didn’t know you were, either.”

“I’m not.”


“Stargazing.” He turned back to look out at the stars glimmering in the velvet-black sky.

“I didn’t know you were the stargazing type.”

“Most people think me incapable of it,” he’d said a little coldly. “I suppose you’re one of them. Not like Leonhart’s capable of it, either, is he?” A short, barked laugh. “Not like you’d know, Instructor.”

She ignored this. “Why do you stargaze?”

“Why should I tell you? Why are you taking an interest?” He shrugged, back still facing her.

“You don’t need to tell me if you don’t want to.”

“How noble of you, Instructor. Oh, very well, if satiating your burning desire will get you to shut up.”

She raised an eyebrow at that.

“They remind me of dreams.”

“Of dreams?”

“Romantic dreams,” he said, a little wistfully. “I’d like to be a … knight.” And then he’d clammed up and turned away. “Happy now, Instructor? Curiosity satisfied?”

She’d watched him walk out of the Secret Area, wondering about that glimpse of the real Seifer Almasy.


“Go the fuck away, Almasy.”

“Can’t take a challenge, Leonhart? What’s wrong with you?”

“Nothing. Just leave me the fuck alone.”

“You’re just like chicken-wuss Dincht.”

“That’s none of my business.”

“Midnight, training grounds. One week.”


“Almasy! Can’t you pay more attention, like Leonhart?”

“What, like Leonhart? What does he know besides following orders and being a cynic? Obedient little pet, SeeD’s little puppy, isn’t he?”

“He does well.”

“In the Dog Obedience Trials, of course.”

“He does better than you, Almasy.”

“Possibly because he prefers to sit quietly in class and be spoonfed.”

“He knows his limits.”

“So do I. It is hardly my fault, Instructor, that Garden fails to recognize my potential. Of course, Garden is hardly a place for romantic dreams, is it? We spawn nothing but cynics.”


“So you turned up after all, Leonhart.”

“As if I wouldn’t, Almasy.”

“Not the chicken-wuss I thought you were, then.”

“Never that.”

“Do we begin?”

[sun and storm]

She was never particularly surprised when Dr. Kadowaki called her to the Infirmary and she found Squall sitting up in the bed with a fresh wound across his face.

“Did Seifer give you that?”

He refused to answer.

Later that day, when she found Seifer quietly dabbing at a very similar cut across his face, green eyes blazing with anger, she didn’t find it odd that she was unsurprised.

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