(no subject)

Aug 16, 2006 16:17

Title: Sophisticated
Author: twilightsrain/edenbound (ficjournal)
Summary: Sometimes Kaylee wants Inara's life.
Rating: PG
Characters: Kaylee, Inara
Pairing: Inara/Kaylee
Warning: None
Spoilers/Timeline: In series, no spoilers
Disclaimer: Joss is boss.
Author's Note: Written for 15_limes.

Most of Kaylee is perfectly happy in an engine room with smudges of oil on her face and hands and Simon to smile at her and get all tangle-tongued in her presence and say the wrong things. Some small part of her, though, longs for a more sophisticated world, the world with dresses and balls and Inara dancing with people, smiling, and knowing more important people than Kaylee has ever really seen.

That's what takes her to Inara's shuttle nearly every day. She likes to sit in there with Inara, let Inara play with her hair while she can sit there and take in the feeling of being in a room like this, with the silky sheets and the pretty dresses all carefully hidden away and the scent of incense -- a little strong, sometimes, but nice. She likes to see Inara in her dresses, too, though she never asks to try them on herself. She has the feeling Mal was right, once, when he said it'd be like a sheep walking on its hind legs. Even if that hurt a bit.

Kaylee does like to touch the dresses, especially the silky ones. She can imagine them feeling nice against Inara's skin, smooth and cool, comfortable. She likes to smooth her hands over them, over Inara, and it makes her smile when Inara's breath catches just a little at her touches.

Best of all, she likes to get Inara out of the silky dresses, laying them carefully down so they won't get crumpled. She likes to touch Inara's own skin, smooth and warm and alive, touch and taste and feel, and remind herself that despite all the sophistication, people are just people.

inara/kaylee, inara, kaylee

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