wk 44 - challenge - stormy textures

Mar 25, 2007 11:15

Ugh. Long story short, I'm ineligible for benefits, which my employer neglected to tell me back in November when I took the job, and I have a zillion things that need a doctor's attention, and it's a big battle that's taken up all of my spare time lately. But I'm back, albeit with only one working arm and a possible ulcerated cornea.

Theme: Stormy Textures

I'm stealing a page out of ff_seasonal's book here, but perhaps rusalkatrix will forgive me. Spring is technically upon us, and yet it snowed like crazy here last night. So in honor of the tempestuous weather in late March, I give you stormy textures to use in your icons this week. At least one of the following textures must be used in all of your submissions.

by lookslikerain :: DL hereby myrasis :: DL hereby colortone :: DL here






Sub-theme: Stormy-named characters

Squall, Cloud, Raine, Fujin, Raijin, or any of the stormy summons: Ramuh, Quezacotl, Ixion, Adremmelech, Pandemona, Typhon, etc.

Please submit up to three icons to this screened post by Tuesday, April 3, midnight EST. Please be sure to go over the rules listed below, and check the userinfo for an example submission.

   [x] You may submit up to three icons for each challenge, unless otherwise specified.
   [x] ALL icons submitted must conform to the theme in some way.
   [x] You may use the blank, the image, and/or an image of your own choosing for your three icons.
   [x] You may choose to do the subtheme as well as the theme. If you choose the subtheme, the theme must still be reflected in the icon.
   [x] All submissions must meet LJ icon standards: up to 100x100 pixels height and width, up to 40K in filesize, and file types .gif, .jpg, or .png.


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