Title: The Worth of Memory
aesriellaMedium: Fanfic!
Request(s): FFVIII Quistis, with Xu, Rinoa, Seifer or Irvine, recovering from, working through or living the immediate aftermath of a difficult or draining experience with a GF, be it junctioning, withdrawal, an experiment or otherwise. Quiet, gentle romance, please. Additional prompts: Hands,
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Comments 9
Memory fragments paralleled by the different sections, Rinoa/Quistis (and and KNIGHT!), a touch upon the character interactions so subtle...
If only there were more to be had. This just screams 'groundwork' for something more, even if it wasn't intended as such.
Thank you for the awesome read. <3
Other things I loved:
- Squall prohibiting Sorceress magic inside of Garden!
- Rinoa and Quistis' connection!
- The way you use temporary amnesia to talk about things Quistis otherwise wouldn't pay attention to! (e.g., "uniforms - soldiers? Aren't they too young?" <33333)
- Xu and Quistis' interactions, hee. I love that I can't really tell if they had more-than-friends relations before this or not.
- Xu's characterization (e.g., It's like these idiots don't even know you.)
- Rinoa and Squall's interactions! Especially because you could feel all of this past history they've had and guess at all the past arguments. (And wonder about why Quistis is her Knight now and hope that you'll write a prequel about it.)
- the descriptions of, like, everything.
Also, I have such a love for SeeD/GF interactions, ( ... )
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