Community Feedback Part I

Sep 20, 2011 21:41

(ff_classchange & ff_land)

Here's how this is going to work:

- There's going to be two phases to this whole community feedback process. During the first phase, I'll have you fill out general polls asking you to rate various aspects of the comm and make suggestions. During the second phase, I will collect all reasonable/feasible ideas that were suggested and put them to a vote.

- This post and the other one are part of the first phase. The polls here are to help give me a general idea of how the comm is going, but mostly they're here to to jog your memory on various aspects of the comm that might need improvement. You're encouraged to make suggestions in the comments as you think of them and to respond to other people's suggestions.

- Comments are unscreened. However, anonymous commenting is allowed in case you're uncomfortable voicing your opinions with your name attached.

- Not all suggestions will go on to be voted on in the second phase. Some suggestions will be rejected without vote and some suggestions will be accepted without vote, at mod discretion.

- The mods have already put some thought into community improvement. Here's a list of things we've come up with so far:

Suggestions that will be voted on in the second phase of feedback
  • [GENERAL] New alliances for Game 3 (both whether we'll have them and also which arrangement we should use)
  • [SORTING] Either clarify the masculine/feminine dichotomy to ask whether the applicant's personality has more traditionally 'masculine' or 'feminine' traits OR replace this dichotomy with a different one (Stoic/Thinking vs. Emotional/Feeling)
  • [SORTING] Remove Ashe from list of Soldiers and add Cecil, Ramza, and Zack
  • [SORTING] Either add Knight as a secondary class onto Dragoons, giving them Auron, Basch and Cyan OR add Samurai as a secondary class onto Dragoons, giving them Auron and Cyan (or neither)
  • [CONTESTS] Rule change on banner-making points to make it so that a set of mostly variations on the same template is not worth 5-6 times the amount of a smaller set also based on single-template variations (several solutions proposed; we'll most likely vote on one unless a consensus emerges).
Suggestions that will be implemented without vote
  • [GENERAL] A section on sigtags will be added to the FAQ. In addition, it will be stated here that max tag banner size is 350 px (width) by 250 px (height). Also, sigtags featuring non-FF characters will be allowed.
  • [GENERAL] The mods are working on providing more ways for people to use their gil. We've got some exciting things planned, so if you're worried about having too much gil to spend, next game ought to change that up some!
  • [CONTESTS] Cancel the bonus given for de-anoning contest entries (applicable only to Game 3 entries and beyond; Game 2 entries will still get this bonus)
Other suggestions that need to be discussed
  • [SORTING] Allowing people to freely ask applicants questions of their own to get a feel of that applicant's personality
  • [FANWORKS] Giving sigtag gifts a point value in moogle_workshop

- All suggestions (here and in the comments) are open to debate, so if you want to make an argument for or against an idea, you are encouraged to do so.

Onto the polls!

Poll FF Classchange & FF Land (general) feedback

Polls/suggestion box will be open until Tuesday September 27
If you need to change your vote, click on the "Poll #______" link at the top of the poll, then [ Fill out Poll ], then change your answers and resubmit.

end of game feedback

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