This is the second of two challenges that will run until 2008.
Theme: Gift Exchange
Here's how it works. All members of the community can participate, whether you're an experienced icon maker or you're just starting out. This post is UNSCREENED. Comment here with the following info (you can C&P from below):
choice one:
choice two:
choice three:
The choices are what you would like an icon of. They can be specific ("a selective-colorized image of Rasler done up in make-up on a notebook texture, with text that says 'pretty princess'") or a character ("Shiva"), or broad ("FFVII Compliation"). Anyone who wants to can respond to your comment with an icon. There's no limit on how many people can respond to a particular request, but I'd like everyone to have at least one request filled so that everyone has a gift. On the due date, I'll round up all the icons and we'll vote on the best, even though we'll know in advance who made what, since the post is unscreened. But I don't think that will matter - everyone who makes a request will get something shiny, and this way I can participate, too.
This may be confusing, but I'll answer any questions you leave me. I'll be at home and relying on Panera for internet, though, so bear with me if I don't answer right away.
I hope you all have fun with these challenges, and I wish you a wonderful holiday season!
- You may fulfill as many requests as you'd like
- All submissions must meet LJ icon standards: up to 100x100 pixels height and width, up to 40K in filesize, and file types .gif, .jpg, or .png.
Please submit all icons by Tuesday, January 1, midnight EST.