TEXT // gonna do something killer c'mon give it a try

Mar 26, 2011 12:10

Yesterday the good people of the barge voted to eliminate Sylvanas. She was taken out behind the barn, promised many rabbits to pet, and shot in the head.

[Jason, why you gotta ignore Arthas' advice.]

Sylvanas was not a mafioso ( Read more... )

so i didn't *ask* if you wanted to play, to hell with good intentions, rocks fall everyone dies, [game: lastvoyages], nothing can go wrong with this plan??, leave the gun. take the cannoli.

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rayney_day March 26 2011, 16:43:52 UTC
Stop putting out this crap around the psychopath zoo. I mean it.


rayney_day March 26 2011, 19:33:46 UTC


mafia filter darknessb4me March 28 2011, 01:27:44 UTC
Even I don't know what you were going for there.


mafia filter feverprophecy March 28 2011, 06:19:36 UTC
I warned her last time, if she didn't want to hear the story, walk away. It had a lot more to do with that conversation than this one.


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feverprophecy March 26 2011, 16:51:41 UTC
Patrick Kenzie.

[Whatcha gonna do, Patrick? Jason wants to see.]


rayney_day March 26 2011, 16:58:45 UTC
Must be one of those 'Mercury is in Uranus and it's giving your soul butt-ache' things.

That or some world's moon is in it's zenith... I don't know.

Tell you the truth, I'm not even clear on if this guy is a warden.


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rayney_day March 26 2011, 17:09:00 UTC
Hey, after getting stuck with Aleera, anything's possible - on both accounts.


knowsthepeople March 26 2011, 18:03:03 UTC
What's the problem, guy?


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voice; derp labels what are you knowsthepeople March 26 2011, 18:08:14 UTC
You know what makes me uncomfortable? Fuckin' wahdens callin' this place a psychopath zoo.


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voice; clearly. B| knowsthepeople March 26 2011, 18:16:40 UTC
Never said you were gonna, guy.

Give me a legitimate example of how the kid's hurtin' anyone, and I'll talk with him about stoppin' the game. But until then? He's just postin' on the fuckin' network like anyone else, and unless there was some law put in place about us needin' to fuckin' proofread whatever our inmates wanna say? Jason can post whatever he wants. And if you call this graphic? I'd sure like to see yoah reaction to the six o'clock news back home.


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voice knowsthepeople March 26 2011, 18:27:27 UTC
And if it does? Then I'll deal with it, okay?

This is a fuckin' public filter, so I'm talkin' about stuff both you and yoah girlfriend brought up in case she feels like elaboratin' on her "Boy Who Cried Wolf" idea, just so we're clear.


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