The season so far and HDMI

Oct 15, 2014 10:01

Majorly bummed, borderline distraught, was how I would best characterize my reaction when I found out that my worst fear had happened and Spn wasn't going to be shown in my area any more *cue wailing and melodramatic whining* but I have been saved by the wonder that is the internet and HDMI cables. Streaming has proved to be extremely easy ( Read more... )

season 10, spn

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Comments 7

fanspired October 15 2014, 15:59:27 UTC
Have to say, that moment when Crowley said "don't turn your back on me" and Dean turned round - wow, some of Jensen's best work. Subtle, yet so powerful.

I'm on record already with my frustration with the Cas spin off plot, but credit where it's due, Dabb managed to make it relevant to the central arc with that exchange between Cas and Hannah about deals made out of desperation. Have a look at Ash48's review. She sums up the subtext of that scene very well:


ferrous_wheeler October 15 2014, 16:31:05 UTC
That moment with Crowley was amazing! I was almost thinking that Dean looked like he might just make a run at being King of Hell instead of Crowley when he knocked him down. Dean may have been playing tame tiger for a while, but it was only a matter of time before he snapped Crowley's leash.

Excellent review by Ash48! Still not much a fan of the angels but good to see the writers are tying it in more than I thought with the boys.


fanspired October 15 2014, 23:53:48 UTC
Well, one of them is, anyway. It seems to me that this would have been an excellent opportunity to have Sam and Cas really bond over saving Dean. That should be Cas' natural priority right now along with trying to find a solution to his grace problem. I can't see why he would ever have cared about chasing down run away angels and, more importantly, why we should care about it. I also think the effort to make Hannah a romantic interest for him is ill conceived since they've really failed to make her a sympathetic character.


ferrous_wheeler October 16 2014, 03:15:11 UTC
They've tried to shoehorn in romantic interests before and it has never really worked. I don't mind Hannah, but it just doesn't fit and is totally unnecessary. Maybe the powers that be thought that some romance might up ratings and, due to the rather negative feedback from the times they've tried to hook up the boys, they're trying to promote something with Castiel. You'd think they'd learned better ;p
It would definitely make far more sense for Cas to join up with Sam to search for Dean. At this point I'm very much angels=*raspberry* ;)


queeberquabbler October 15 2014, 22:28:25 UTC
You can tell that both Jensen and Dean are loving life right now :) so awesome. Oh and I didn't catch the Motorhead shout out on the FBI card, that's great!!!


ferrous_wheeler October 16 2014, 03:16:50 UTC
Heehee! Dean may not be with Sam (at the moment) but it does seem like Sam is still using the id's he made :)


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