Fanart: Miss Tonks, steamninja assassin!

Jul 20, 2009 15:33

My dear friends,

I am delighted to present you with the third in what would seem to be an ongoing series.

A larger version of this etching may be found in the Festiva section of the Deviant Art Gallery

Miss Tonks was born in Yorkshire and educated at the St Agnes Institute For Headstrong Girls. After her expulsion from school for the wilful destruction of several priceless musical instruments, an embroidery studio and an antique torture device, she journeyed to the Orient, there to study the deadly arts under Master Zhang Zhi Peng in his hidden fortress, high in the Taihang Mountains. Upon her return, she caught the attentions of the Phoenix Society's Lord Moody when she singlehandedly infiltrated and brought down from within the infamous White Star Gang; she was apprenticed to him shortly afterwards and remains to this day his most well-loved and longest-surviving protégé. Under Lord Moody's tutelage, Miss Tonks cultivated her signature Drunken Phoenix fighting style, characterised by the use of swordplay and tumbling.

Here, Miss Tonks enjoys a stroll in the public gardens on a spring evening. Shortly after this etching was made, she was set upon by three agents of the Ministry of Evil. Thankfully, she was able to draw and wield her wide variety of concealed weaponry, and was soon able to spit upon the fallen bodies of her enemies.

au, fanart and fan"art", steampunk, potter

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