Obsession No. 3 (and then I'm done, I swear)

Aug 06, 2005 22:37

Right now, less than 24 hours before the last ever episode of Queer As Folk, seemed like a good time to mention that I've lost my mind over this show. Although, if I've managed to trap you in chat (*pets cousinjean*), or on the phone, or in my house (*waves at escap1974 and adjrun*), you already know that. There have been many hours of watching, squeeing, obsessing, and eBaying since the Netflixing began on March 20th, but I'm slow to process these things, let alone post. Did I mention the part about series finale?

But this isn't really about QAF anyway except as it relates to Three Obvious Things About Fannish Obsession. Well, fannish obsession and me :)

Thing No. 1: One obsession really does lead to another.

After Buffy ended and Angel got cancelled, I was at a loss. Smallville was already my just-be-pretty show when one day last summer I popped in a tape while doing laundry. Many hours and loads later, I realized that Lex is a lot like Spike. At least in the ways that matter to me: compelling, fucked-up, redeemable, hot. However, unlike Spike, Lex still had a home on the WB's Wednesday night lineup. Shiny! I dove in, bought stuff, inhaled the fic, and scoured lj and the 'net for goodies. So began Obsession No. 2.

But Smallville's still on the air. So wherefore the latest obsession transference? First, it's not like I ever expected Clark and Lex to get married, but Season 4 was... less than fulfilling on several fronts. Second, it's not like I ever expected Clark and Lex to have sex, but I really wanted them to! The inhale-able fic made me really really want them to.

On Queer As Folk, Brian and Justin get to have sex all the time and I get to watch! Also, the OTP actually gets to have a relationship and I'm not used to that at all. So really, Smallville FIC drove me to Queer As Folk.

Thing No. 2: I really am that shallow.

I love several TV shows, but apparently I require a 'ship to get well and truly obsessed. Preferably a 'ship between a compelling, fucked-up, redeemable, hot man with daddy issues and the brave little toaster who's too good for him.

And did I mention hot? Because that's important. The Buffy bitterati were right about me after all: It was the cheekbones. It was -- is -- the cheekbones, the abs, the ass, the voice, and the hot hot heat. It must be. Why else would I love a vampire over a Slayer, a villain over a superhero, and an asshole ad exec over a sweet young artist? If complex characterization and good acting had anything to do with it, I'd be pulling for Scorpius and Arvin Sloane, but I want both of those bastards dead. So, shallow.

Thing No. 3: Obsession really is like crack.

The journey into Buffy fandom and obsession was long and slow. I spent a lot of time exploring and lurking and tentatively reaching out and considering each line before I crossed it: recaps, boards, chat, fic, cons, merchandise, slash. In that order, heh. But obsession is like a foreign language, or a musical instrument, or a computer program. Or drugs. After the first one, the next one comes exponentially faster because you already know how to navigate the words, the notes, the bells, the whistles, the soaring highs, and the darkest lows. You already know how to find what you need to do the thing thoroughly.

By No. 3, it almost happens by itself, the addiction.

Of course, it helps to have an enabler. For SV, it was that evil genius, deeablo. For QAF, it was the lovely and talented bigboobedcanuck. Thank you, you slow-burn influence bombs, you.

Alas, when QAF ends tomorrow, I will again be at a loss. Maybe it's time to return to a normal (read: non-obsessed) life.

Or maybe I'll revisit Obsession No. 1 over on Obsession No. 2...
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