I won't say it's never too early to talk about college football because sometimes (really, very often) it is. But not now. See, there it is: July 27, the first day it's okay to talk about college football.
I don't care about training camps, or whatever the college version of those are called, but I do like talking about numbers. Specifically the number 11. This is pertinent because the Big Ten conference doesn't want to have 11 teams. Understandable. This country has a shaky enough grasp on the hard sciences, why confuse the matter further?
The Big 10 wants to have 12 schools. Alrighty then.
I'm upset by this news. Not because I care about the Big Ten. I don't. My feelings towards the Big Ten (or the Big 12, SEC, PAC 10 or Big East for that matter) are about the same as for shopping in KMart - sometimes I have to do it, but it makes me want to shift some of their products into the wrong departments, just to mess with them in a really insignificant, sort of pathetic way. I'll leave it to the boosters to worry about the impact on scheduling and whatnot. No, hearing that the Big Ten wants a conference championship and, therefore, needs a twelfth team to have one, is upsetting to me because that means they're going to need a logo redesign. Which is just a shame.
Maybe they have another trick up their sleeve. After all, whoever designed that sneaky Big 11 logo was a genius, and genius is hard to figure out. But it's going to be difficult, with the introduction of a crooked number into the mix. Maybe they better call up
this guy as a safety net. He really seems to know what he's doing.
I'll keep an eye on that developing story but there are even more important matters to deal with. Hawaii has been getting a surprising amount of attention and it's scaring the crap out of me. Here's ESPN's front page graphic today:
I know, they put UH in the #51-75 tier. But even running with them at all is sort of a coup. To me anyways. And then there was what Lee Corso said about them
on the year's first College Gameday or whatever. Really freaking me out.
Awful Announcing goes one further and criticizes Corso, not for mentioning the 'Bows, but for calling them under the radar! Memo to AA: I'm a Rainbows fan and, believe me, the 'Bows are well outside the range of any mainland-based radar. The East Coast makes West Coast Baseball fans leave work early to get to home playoff games. They're not staying up 'til 2:30am to watch Colt Brennan pass for 700 yards in a game.
Seriously, this needs to stop. I don't want to hear about Colt for the Heisman talk, or how big that November 23 match-up against Boise State is going to be. I know already! Shut up shut up shut up!!
Okay, I'm better now. But this is seriously the most I've ever heard about the 'Bows, before the season has started. It's unnerving. Being a UH fan is like being a pre-2004 Red Sox fan, crossed with being a Royals fan. You get the worst of both worlds, somehow ending up being fatalistic and despondent at the same time. It's awesome enough on it's own, I don't need people who never cared about Hawaii to go jinxing them all August long. Don't you people have point-shaving or improper payment to players scandals or something to attend to?