Abstract: While I'd love to find a way to make two of the highest principles of health care reform - universal coverage, and coverage for those with pre-existing conditions - come true, the details of how this legislation would attempt to carry out those goals, could lead us down a very dark path. Therefore, I stand in opposition of the measure.
The Devil is in the details - and the length of this article. )
Comments 6
It will be interesting to see how it unfolds.
We, here in Canada may not have the exact same legislation as you people do in the U.S., but we do have Health Care. I myself have seen enough suffering to know that many people, especially low income families totally neglect themselves where meds are concerned. Think about the young children, and the elderly. They truly need this.
I, for one, salute this initiative from your president.
I'm just very concerned about what may happen in its implementation, and/or what may be destroyed in the process.
(That's one reason I wrote this article in the form of questions - many of these things are uncertain, and are wait-and-see type things. Also, I certainly don't know everything - I could be very wrong.)
time to take care of our people first - kill others later.
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