New Jeremiah Vid

Oct 10, 2006 08:13

Summary: The end of the old world, the beginning of the new.

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35 MB, 4:04

Thanks to killabeez for an illuminating beta.

Vid Notes )

jeremiah, vids

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Comments 36

killabeez October 10 2006, 13:38:10 UTC
Just wanted to tell you, I love all the changes you made. Thank you for a wonderful vid -- sorry, I still can't agree about it being bad. *g* I'll be keeping this one.


fenlings October 10 2006, 13:52:12 UTC
Yay, thanks *so much*. You were really helpful!


telscha October 10 2006, 15:11:45 UTC
its wonderful. :) ty


fenlings October 10 2006, 22:39:57 UTC


seachanter October 10 2006, 15:24:18 UTC
All I can say is 'thank you.' There is not much Jeremiah material out here, as far as I know. I am fascinated by JMS' work to begin with and Jeremiah ranks up with B5, in my own opinion.
This is the first Jeremiah vid I've ever seen, and I hope not the last.


fenlings October 10 2006, 22:44:33 UTC
Hee, there are others out there by killa and morgan dawn and various others. If you want I could link you more specifically.


seachanter October 10 2006, 23:19:37 UTC
That would be wonderful, thank you.
Hopefully there is also some good fan fiction out there to find and read. I know there is some on, but FF is what it is :)
My friend Telscha (thank you, Tels!!) gave me this link, and then poked me to Valhalla Sector.
It's nice to see the show has not totally slipped from view.


fenlings October 11 2006, 08:17:03 UTC
Killa has a few. Her site is here but email her for access.

Morgan Dawn has one here.

Lierdumoa and Kanzeyori have one here.

Keerawa has one here.

And there's one more by "Chris and Christina" set to a "Dear God" cover by XTC, but I can't find it online anywhere.

That's all I've been able to find. Kinda paltry, huh.


goodbyemyfancy October 11 2006, 16:40:04 UTC
This is really great and you should be totally proud of your vid! And I appreciated the time your took to write the meta above on what images matches the text - so few ppl do this and it does bring another layered dimension to the vid.

*mega applause for you*


fenlings October 12 2006, 22:15:15 UTC
Thanks for your feedback! I'm glad you found my natterings interesting.


lizardbeth_j October 13 2006, 17:08:55 UTC
thanks for that! It's a lovely vid, and I'm glad you shared it with everyone. Because yeah, there's not enough Jeremiah stuff.

Makes me want to go dig my half-finished one out of the hard drive and actually finish it! :)


fenlings October 13 2006, 22:48:08 UTC
Thanks for your feedback!

Makes me want to go dig my half-finished one out of the hard drive and actually finish it!

Oh, do! The world needs more!


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