Paul Gross can kill you with his guitar.

Jul 11, 2006 21:41

We were talking about "Voodoo" and "32 Down" in the DS chat, and when I rewatched "Voodoo," I noticed many things I've decided to inflict on share with you all.

PICSPAM ( Ahem. Visual aids. )

ds, picspam

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Comments 24

c_regalis July 11 2006, 16:05:06 UTC
omg. *dies*

Paul Gross is even funnier than William Shatner! \o/

And why did I never notice the shoulder holster? o.O It's probably one of those things that can't really be, that make NO sense, and that's why you can't see them.


fenlings July 12 2006, 08:07:22 UTC
Paul Gross is even funnier than William Shatner!
Wow, you're *right*. That's *amazing*.

Yes, the thigh holster and gun is maybe Paul feeling inadequate? Maybe the costume chicks having fun with him? ::struggles to find rational explanation::

No, you're right, it makes no sense. I think Paul must actually have magical realism powers in real life.


primroseburrows July 14 2006, 17:44:22 UTC
Fortunately, Paul Gross is way hotter than just about everyone else, just ask him William Shatner.

I wish I could bring myself to actually watch these videos. I really think I'd injure my brain if I did.


fenlings July 15 2006, 10:25:47 UTC
You'd probably injure yourself *laughing*. Seriously.


joandarck July 11 2006, 17:25:36 UTC
*is dead of laughing*

"wangsting"? *dies again*



fenlings July 12 2006, 08:11:42 UTC
OMG I just noticed in my cap of the Paul Gross arms, he's actually making a #1 sign with each hand. Wow, Paul... wow.


scriggle July 11 2006, 23:39:17 UTC

Paul thinks he's such a rock star.


fenlings July 12 2006, 08:14:06 UTC
He so does. And you know, he must have magical powers because even though we laugh at him, we still *buy* it to some extent. And if I had never heard of Paul Gross before watching this, I think I'd completely buy it. What *is* it about him? What special power does he have to make the ridiculous seem appealing?


primroseburrows July 16 2006, 20:43:29 UTC
My PG pics folder is actually labelled "The Rock Star". I bet you that I could find at least five people who could find it under that without any coaching by me. At least five.


willows_mom July 13 2006, 00:41:59 UTC
LOL! Thats hilarious!:-D Thanks so much


fenlings July 13 2006, 07:49:29 UTC
::beams at you::

I see that dancing like a spaz is one of your happy things. (Mine too!!)

It's nice to see that big stars have the same interests as us lowly mortals, huh.


bluebrocade July 13 2006, 04:04:55 UTC
Band? What band? I AM THE BAND.


And "wangsting in the window" is my new favorite phrase. Hee!


fenlings July 13 2006, 07:51:11 UTC
I think "wangsting in the window" could describe all of Victoria's Secret. In fact, the story of this vid is very VS-y. Huh. I just noticed that.

Band? What band? I AM THE BAND.
::makes #1 signs with both hands and sticks them in the air omg::


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