Title: A Date Worse
Author: fengirl88
Fandom: BBC Sherlock
Pairing/Characters: Anderson, Donovan, mentions of Mycroft, Sherlock
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: none
Wordcount: 221
Disclaimer: They're still not mine.
Summary: Nobody's ever got under his skin the way Sherlock does. Sequel to
Bet, and probably makes more sense if you've read that first.
A/N: I
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Comments 17
"He hates the madness and chaos that Sherlock brings in his wake. Hates that he’s the one to solve things. When Sherlock turns up unannounced at crime scenes, humiliates him publicly, won’t even wear the bloody suit, Anderson wants to strangle him with his overpriced scarf. Sometimes he dreams he’s doing it."
I think it's hilarious that Sherlock is pursuing Anderson and won't take no for an answer! It's even better that Mycroft used his own methods of persuasion that freaked Anderson out even more! Lastly, with the brontosaurus suit Sherlock refuses to wear and the poetic justice of Donovan's unhelpful comments, this is the kind of fun, silly and downright ridiculous humour that I LOVE! :-D
I thought Anderson was just riled that Sherlock wouldn't wear the protective suit at crime scenes - that cracking sound you probably heard was my brain breaking at the idea of Sherlock in a brontosaurus suit ...
Uh, apparently, I'm not just one year older but a lot more insane. *g*
I think somebody did write a fic with a brontosaurus suit in it, but Anderson wanted Sally to wear it.
or maybe I'm imagining that. delirium, anyone?
I did wonder if Anderson should insist on being taken to the Natural History Museum. *grins*
Sadly, Sherlock will probably ruin the whole thing by sitting there and insulting Anderson the whole time instead of traumatizing him properly.
Perchance, did you continue this as part of some kind of a wager? >.>
no wager involved: I wanted to write a 221b and the b-word triggered it. but I think your horrified enquiries about the date may have played a part as well... *grins*
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Oddly enough, Sherlock doesn't seem to mind being strangled with his scarf. :D
thank you very much!
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