fic: Sleeper (221b ficlet)

Dec 20, 2010 22:09

Title: Sleeper (221b ficlet)
Author: fengirl88
Fandom: BBC Sherlock crossover with E.M. Forster, Maurice.
Pairing: Lestrade/Maurice
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None
Wordcount: 221
Disclaimer: These characters are still not mine. Nor are the films mentioned.
Summary: Train journeys are always better in black and white.

A/N: A 221b ficlet for julie_izumi to thank her for her wonderful Maurice/Lestrade icons.
Thanks also to my fellow viewers at shwatchalongs for a splendid Sunday evening watching The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes, and to blooms84 for suggesting I write something with a Scottish connection.

ETA: there is now a sequel to this, Winter Sights.


“They don't make them like that any more,” Maurice says, sighing contentedly as the credits roll for I Know Where I’m Going.

“I liked the weird dream sequence on the train,” Lestrade says. “Don't suppose sleeper compartments are still like that.”

“Train journeys are always better in black and white,” Maurice says. “Like Robert Donat hanging off the Forth Bridge in The Thirty-Nine Steps.”

Lestrade shudders. Never been good with heights.

He quite fancies a trip to Scotland, though.

The connecting door’s unlocked to create a two-berth sleeper cabin.

“Twin beds,” Lestrade says, laughing. “Very 1940s.”

“Come here, you,” Maurice says, tugging at Lestrade's new silk dressing-gown. “God, you look the part.”

“Is that code for I want to shag you?” Lestrade asks hopefully.

“No subtext here,” Maurice says. “It's all text.”

He kisses Lestrade, running his hands down his back to squeeze his arse.

“Mm,” Lestrade says, fondling Maurice appreciatively. “You feel nice.”

“Long night ahead of us,” Maurice says, pressing his thigh between Lestrade's. “Should have warned you, I never sleep well on train journeys.”

The rocking rhythm of the train as it pulls away from Euston Station suggests finding something to do till they reach Dunkeld in the early morning might not be too hard.

“Don't worry,” Lestrade says. “If you need anything I'll be in my bunk.”


The film they don't make them like any more is Powell and Pressburger's I Know Where I'm Going (1945).  Dream sequence is here.

category: fluff, 221b ficlet, fanworks: fic, category: crossover, maurice, fengirl is a shameless romantic, category: romance, icons of glory, pairing: lestrade/maurice, the old bad songs and other stories, rating: pg-13, thank you very much

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