
Feb 19, 2012 18:05

I had a rather off night last night what with realizing that I have completely misplaced a fanfic file... Still can't find it nor any of my notes on paper about it... and, apparently, I never saved any of my research links, and now that I've gone looking for them again, I can't find any of them. Christ on an effin' bike ( Read more... )


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Comments 12

velvetwhip February 20 2012, 00:28:30 UTC
Have you tried this link? http://www.victorianweb.org/history/sochistov.html



fenderlove February 20 2012, 01:15:14 UTC
That was one of the links that I couldn't find! Thank you! *hugs*


velvetwhip February 20 2012, 01:17:01 UTC
I dearly love being helpful. I am so glad I was able to give you a link you really needed.



gillo February 20 2012, 00:30:04 UTC
Why not have a look at a few specific names? Ruskin, the various Butlers, the major commercial houses like Liberty. For bankers, look up people like the Coutts family.

College-level professors in that specific period were mostly clergymen, except for those at UCL, which was founded in the early 1830s as a "godless institution on Gower Street". You could look up individuals like Lewis Carroll or any of the vast Darwin/Galton/Wedgwood/Raverat/Huxley clan who pretty much dominated Cambridge intellectual life of the period and intermarried most confusingly ( ... )


fenderlove February 20 2012, 01:19:16 UTC
Thank you! It is definitely of use. I hadn't gotten very far in my banking research. I feel so foolish losing that file. I can't imagine where it's gone. It's just like *poof* out of my fanfic folder.

I had a lot of information about the King's College School, but I think I'll just have to scrounge up the materials again on that (some of it on Dante Gabriel Rosetti). Someone's edited the Wikipedia entry for KCS and has taken out some of the links I had used before when I first started researching.


gillo February 20 2012, 01:34:40 UTC
KCS in its pre-Wimbledon days, I assume? The Wikipedia page is a reasonable start. City of London School or Westminster might be viable alternatives. This was very much the period of the expansion of the public schools in the mode of Dr Arnold of Rugby - lots of relatively modest places like Repton and Haileybury really took off around then.


fenderlove February 20 2012, 01:44:45 UTC
Yes, pre-Wimbledon. Dr. Arnold gets mentioned quite a bit in Tom Brown, I think. Thanks for the info; this really is going to be a big help! :D

I've been writing Spike's personal history (my fanon version of it at any rate), and I had developed background information on his father's side of the family- declining landed gentry with a military background (a couple of Sir So-and-Sos of no major acclaim or distinction) leading towards Spike's father (a bit of a foppish literary type who starts out as a lecturer bachelor out of Oxford and later becomes a junior classics master for a public school before moving onto a post back at Oxford)... which may be a little bit too modern (and too American) of an idea to really fit the period or the social level Spike's family might have been at. I've been slowly dissecting all the objects in the family parlor plus William's dialogue with his mother in LMPTM to try and suss out details (details that probably never occurred to the writers or the prop people). We all know how fun that can be. XD


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fenderlove February 20 2012, 02:43:27 UTC
I need to reread Bleak House, definitely. XD

I hope I find it too! :D


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