Once Upon a Spring Day.

Jul 16, 2011 00:01

Title: Once Upon a Spring Day
Author: fenderlove
Rating: PG/Worksafe.
Summary: There was a flashback in FFL that Spike didn't even know he could have.

For the "Fool for Love" episode prompt at nekid_spike.

Onwards to the ficlet... )

spike, drusilla, fanfic

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Comments 14

treadingthedark July 16 2011, 06:20:58 UTC
THat was lovely!


fenderlove July 16 2011, 06:25:00 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it! :D


whichclothes July 16 2011, 17:27:35 UTC
Loved this very much! Also--squee! Russell Square! :-)


fenderlove July 16 2011, 17:52:37 UTC
Hehe, baby William is so popular. :D I got to visit Russell Square when I was in high school (I got a picture of a fenced-in area filled with vicious gangs of keep left signs). XD

Thanks for reading! :D


whichclothes July 16 2011, 18:02:26 UTC
I had breakfast in Russell Square just a few weeks ago. :-)


fenderlove July 16 2011, 18:20:49 UTC
I wish I could go back! I never got to go to the British Museum because my class decided to go to another park of mall for the rest of the day instead. :(


(The comment has been removed)

fenderlove July 16 2011, 18:21:45 UTC
Thank you! I had fun writing it! :D *squish-hugs*


rebcake July 17 2011, 00:49:24 UTC
She saw in her mind his name tattooed on her heart for all time though she had not yet learned what it was.

Wonderful! I love your description of William's baby antics. So adorable! I wonder when he lost the ability to charm women?


fenderlove July 17 2011, 01:05:29 UTC
Thank you! I love writing William as a baby/little kid. He's so cute. I think he probably started out very confident as a child, probably was paraded around by his parents to their friends to do recitations and provide amusement, but as he got older and had to make his own conversation and interact with his own peers he probably became more introverted. By the time we see William in FFL, he's well-spoken, actually starts conversation but doesn't seem to realize his own awkwardness, and he isn't afraid to let his displeasure be seen on his face. He probably could have wooed a lot of women, but got focused on one ( ... )


cafedemonde July 19 2011, 18:13:39 UTC

I love how your mind works!


fenderlove July 19 2011, 18:45:51 UTC
Thank you! :D

Every once and a while, the cogs in my brain can actually let me write something. XD


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