Apron Strings :: a Spike drabble.

Mar 14, 2011 13:44

Title: Apron Strings
Author: fenderlove
Rating: PG. Worksafe.
Summary: What if things had gone wholly different for William in the first few days after his turning?

Onwards to the ficlet. )

spike, drusilla, fanfic

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Comments 29

whichclothes March 14 2011, 18:49:48 UTC
This was just wonderful!


fenderlove March 14 2011, 18:52:01 UTC
Thank you! Oh, William, forever a mama's boy, and that's why I love him. XD


spikes_evilbint March 14 2011, 19:02:10 UTC
Love it!:)


fenderlove March 14 2011, 19:05:52 UTC
Thank you! :D


rahirah March 14 2011, 19:03:46 UTC


fenderlove March 14 2011, 19:06:10 UTC
Yay! :D I'm glad you like it! :)


rebcake March 14 2011, 19:08:45 UTC
Hee! William the Bloody without Angelus' influence. Just as bloodthirsty, but with so much less posturing!

I'd really like to see how this plays out...will that pesky Slayer cut those strings for good? Will his definition of "effulgent" get shaken up?

Oh, the bunnies, they are multiplying!


fenderlove March 14 2011, 19:12:24 UTC
I may add some more drabbles to this 'verse along the way. Oh, so many plot bunnies, so little time! XD


sockmonkeyhere March 14 2011, 19:16:20 UTC
Maybe they would be able to stay here for a while after William had dispatched the Slayer. Sunnydale seemed like a nice place to raise a family.

*eg* What a fabulous ending. I love the idea of Anne shopping for real estate! (In her own homicidal fashion.)


fenderlove March 14 2011, 19:19:40 UTC
LMPTM never quite made sense with how just downright mean Anne was to poor William. I've heard a lot of arguments for it, and none of them have ever struck me as right. Plus, James was right- Spike needs a mom; all he needs is a little chocolate milk and a little of mom's love, and he'd be fine. XD

Thanks for reading! *hugs*


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