Grr Argh....

Mar 06, 2011 02:01

*SHAKES LIVEJOURNAL* Give me my comments, damn it! I'm having to like search the deepest darkest corners of the LJverse for them!

rant, random silliness

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Comments 5

whichclothes March 6 2011, 09:47:16 UTC
I share your pain.


fenderlove March 6 2011, 19:00:01 UTC


fenderlove March 7 2011, 16:24:45 UTC
I am just now getting this very comment in my actual inbox! ARGH! I have Spike-in-breeches fic to post, and I wanted to wait until the backlog had cleared in the comments, but I guess I better just go ahead and post the fic.


diebirchen March 6 2011, 13:47:27 UTC
Yup. What's going on with them anyway?


fenderlove March 6 2011, 18:59:39 UTC
I'd like to blame it on Livejournal adding games, but it's probably just a weird server problem.


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