My Spike...

May 03, 2010 22:43

A lot of people have written these "My Spike" deals, and since I spent most of today trying to explain my opinions about Buffy, I thought I'd do something more pleasant by writing about Spike... in a slightly less serious fashion.

I hate the fact that I have to preface this by saying that this is my Spike- my silly!Spike, my serious!Spike, my all-around!Spike. If you read something here you don't like, well, then that's okay because my Spike doesn't have to be your Spike. Again, I really wish I didn't even have to write that last bit. I shouldn't have to, but apparently I do just to let people know that I'm not attacking their opinions or trying to tell them that they're wrong. Onward to happier times that include Spike!

My Spike...
- has excellent planning skills, but sub-par follow-through.
- listens to ABBA when no one is around, like a good punk.
- needs lower lumbar support.
- still thinks about his mother from time to time.
- on a bad day, would probably fall in love with his clipboard if it could return affection.
- knows that it was more than "that one time."
- has been caught sucking on his thumb or on his knuckles in his sleep. Damn vampire oral fixation.
- really is a people person... even if those people aren't human peoples.
- is fairly monogamous and a romantic as James Marsters says.
- has written more snippets of poetry in his head than we'll ever know.
- can rhyme "orange" with "door hinge" and make it work... just not very well.
- gets very excited about new technology even if he doesn't understand as much as he wants Angel to think that he does.
- fantasizes about smoking candy-tipped cigarillos, drinking cherry liquor, while reading Harlot and relaxing in fishnet stockings, but will never, ever actually do it.
- misses his DeSoto.
- sometimes wishes he could retire.
- has stopped eating any seafood because it makes Betta George sad. ETA: "Fish are friends! Not food!"
- knows far too much about dolls and doll-collecting.
- sneaks Jack Daniels in his tea.
- is a cat person rather than a dog person.
- french-kissed David Bowie.
- prefers to be a "cool uncle" rather than a father.
- cries every time he watches Moulin Rouge, but then starts laughing his ass off at Ewan McGregor's crazy sobbing.
- may or may not be plotting the demise the Jonas Brothers and Stephanie Meyers.
- believes Anne Rice has co-opted his life for publication.
- wonders what it would be like to be Illyria's pet.
- can walk in high heels, like all good British men should.
- has never used ice cream while performing a sex act.
- has used ice cream while performing a vampiric act.
- might have once literally bathed in a kiddie pool filled with blood and Fruit Loops. Meth is a hard drug.
- has a celebrity crush on Elizabeth Montgomery... especially when she wriggles her nose.
- wanted to be a university professor when he was a kid so he could be like his dad.
- sings "Hedgecore" when everyone is listening.
- sometimes needs a hug.


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