I was really surprised when my love for Spike was surpassed by Cowboy Sam from High Plains Invaders. Barnabas has tough competition from a diminutive alien-fighting cowboy who cries a lot. XD
Yay for cracktastic fic! :D One day I'm going to finish writing that BtVS/Dexter/CSI/Psych/Burn Notice crossover I was working on. XD
He's wrapping barbed wire around his arm in an act of flagellation and because he believes that pain will keep his mind focused on god rather than "bad" things. Oh, zealotry at its sexiest.
Comments 5
Yay for cracktastic fic! :D One day I'm going to finish writing that BtVS/Dexter/CSI/Psych/Burn Notice crossover I was working on. XD
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