Title: One Fish, Two Fish, Blue Fish, Too Many Fish
fenderloveRating: G!
Summary: This fic is total fluff. Complete and utter cotton candy sugar fluff, but I had to write it. Betta George and my OC Betta Paulina leave Spike to babysit their numerous offspring. Adorableness ensues. :D
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Comments 6
And I just love the idea of Spike babysitting. It's so cute!
Betta William may be reappearing in some more drabbles. XD
(Thank goodness the kids didn't find Spike's lighter, or Drusilla's prediction about burning baby fishes flying about his head might come true...)
Well, Betta Seraphina is pink and Betta Bernadette, Betta Quinn, and Betta Alice are all oranges and yellows, so if they all got going they could could look at though they were fiery or flame-y swimming around Spike's head. XD
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