The Bribe Book 2 - Part Eight

Nov 26, 2010 08:24

“Are you sure about this, John?” Dr Weir asked as John left her office, headed for the gym along with almost everyone who had come to Atlantis.

“Yes, Elizabeth,” John replied stressing his use of her first name, “I am sure. Look, you know there’s nothing I can do to Bates. Even if he had actually raped Rodney, there would be nothing I could do because Rodney’s a slave, but he damaged my property and that means that I can demand satisfaction. This way he gets the fight he’s been agitating for and I don’t lose face. Even if I lose then at least the soldiers will know that I had the balls to go up against him.”

“It seems... old fashioned,” Elizabeth sighed, “but at least something is being done. I heard that Dr Zelenka has assigned Kavanaugh to the restoration and maintenance of the septic tanks.” She grinned and John chuckled.

“This slavery thing is just... wrong. How is Rodney supposed to defend himself against attacks like this?” John asked seriously. “He faces death or lashes for simply trying to survive and we’re supposed to accept that!”

“I agree, John, but we are not in a position to do anything about it. We’re not even in the right galaxy! But you are doing all you can. At least with this you are sending out the strong message that slaves are not to be abused while you command.” Elizabeth swiped at the controls for the changing room doors and gestured for John and his slave to go in.

John hesitated at the door, but ushered Rodney in so he could begin setting things up for his Master.

“Dr Weir... the Custodian Corps... how do we know that they are not being systematically abused? I mean if that’s how the soldiers feel they can treat my personal property, then...” he shrugged, “What can we do?”

“I don’t really have an answer for you, Major, but I will give it some thought.” Elizabeth promised. “Concentrate on your fight and make sure you win. I have a few Hershey Bars on you to win and I intend to collect!”

John grinned and then went into the changing rooms where Rodney was waiting anxiously.

There were very few Lanteans who had not made it to the gym for the fight. The books were being run by Sgt Campbell, the Canadian Gate technician and Peter Grodin had agreed to act as referee given that he was not military and yet knew the rules. John, as senior officer and wronged party, had stipulated that the fight would be over at first blood and Bates had reluctantly agreed.

Carson and two nurses waited by the doors and Teyla had marked out an arena. The two Marines who had been guarding the door for Bates were now sitting behind her, both sporting black eyes and bruises and treating the Athosian with awe and respect. Kavanaugh was nowhere to be seen.

John surveyed the room and tried to gage the mood. As he entered the room the noise level rose, but he was relieved to hear excitement in their voices, rather than hatred or resentment. Maybe this would work...

Bates entered from a different changing room and there were whispers around the room. Speculation was rife and John decided that rumors were not enough. He had to put on a show and make this mean something. Rodney removed the towel from his Master’s shoulders and then knelt down. He was wearing the leash that he had asked for and John beckoned Carson over.

“Look after him will you, Dr Beckett?” John handed over the leash and Carson took it as though it were alive.

“Aye, Major, I’ll do my best,” the doctor agreed and led Rodney over to the doors where his medical equipment had been set up.

Rodney was in a state of turmoil. Not only had he escaped a gruesome death for saving Kavanaugh’s life, but also he was about to watch his guardian and savior being beaten by a tough-as-nails Marine Sergeant. His Master was clearly the most noble and wonderful man in existence, but Rodney had no idea if he could fight.

Rodney really didn’t want to watch, but he also didn’t really want to be anywhere other than where the Major was either, so he had requested that his Master apply the leash that morning. That way he would not feel that he could run away, while at the same time he felt safe. Wearing the leash reminded everyone that he was no longer communal property and that his Master valued him so much that he was willing to fight for him.

Rodney looked up at Carson who was fiddling uncomfortably with the handle of the leash, and asked, uncertainly.

“He will win, won’t he Carson?”

“Aye lad,” Carson replied, brogue thickening with nerves, “and even if he doesn’t, he’ll make all yon soldiers think twice before they touch ye.”

“Is it stupid of me to fall... to have a crush on him?” Rodney asked, drawing his knees up and making himself look a little smaller. Nearly every single member of the audience had looked at him or pointed him out to their neighbor at some point and he was feeling horribly conspicuous.

“No, I think you would be inhuman if ye didn’t, lad,” Carson chuckled.

Rodney watched the two men carefully enter the arena Teyla had marked off. This was to be nothing more than a formal bare-knuckle brawl. Neither man would wear protective gear nor would there be protective gloves. It felt primitive and it made Rodney shiver slightly.

“Ladies and Gentlemen,” John called for order. “I called Sergeant Bates out yesterday because he laid hands on my slave. He damaged my property and I will not tolerate such disrespect. The Security Officer has agreed to fight me and we will fight until one of us yields or else blood is drawn. After this we will both agree that the incident is at an end.” He turned to face the other man. “Sergeant, do you agree that you damaged my property?”

“No Sir,” Bates replied crisply, standing at attention, his hostility barely hidden.

“Do you yield?” John asked but obviously not expecting Bates to back down.

“No Sir,” Bates replied again.

“Then prepare to lose blood,” John snarled.

“Gentlemen? No hits below the belt, no kicks and you are not to leave the arena. When you are ready?” Grodin asked and then he stepped back and nodded.

Bates attacked almost immediately. This relieved John who hadn’t been sure how to start, but the right fisted punch glanced off John’s left shoulder and he grabbed hold of the protruding arm. John had been practising with Teyla last night, so he tried one of her moves, twisting the arm until Bates’ balance was shaken and he pushed until Bates was on the floor. The crowd made an approving sound and John stepped back to allow Bates to rise.

Bates spat and started circling, watching John’s movements and judging him. John did his best to give nothing away and merely circled with him, dodging the quick darts that Bates tried and remaining defensive. Bates tried three more serious sallies, only two of which connected, but John defended and blocked, proving his quick pilot reflexes.

Bates landed a blow on John’s temple and John was momentarily dazed, but he had learned long ago that instinct would take over if he let it, so he didn’t think, but stepped back and threw a punch at Bates’ stomach. Bates retaliated with a similar blow and the bout continued.

This series of quick attacks and blocks was ended when John pounced, suddenly changing his position and aiming hard punches at the Sergeant’s shoulder, waist and cheek.

“I have watched your Security Officer sparring, John,” Teyla had told him as they discussed this fight the previous evening. “He is confident and has trained hard, but he fights as though it is a prearranged dance. He will not expect sudden changes in mood or attack in the midst of defense.”

So John attacked furiously, grabbing his opponent and Bates was flummoxed by the attack. John flung the man over his shoulder in a bastardized karate move and Bates landed heavily on his right shoulder on the side of the arena. John quickly followed up with some quick hits and then stepped back.

“Yield, Sergeant,” John demanded.

“No!” Bates spat furiously and got up stiffly, breathed deeply then charged.

John saw victory. He grinned and stepped to the left, grasping him around the shoulders and used Bates’ own momentum to fling him around and put his opponent down on the floor, where he aimed a viscous cut at Bates’ nose, causing blood to pour out. No one needed to hear Grodin announce the Major’s victory, but he did it anyway, lifting John’s arm in the air.

Rodney watched the whole thing from the floor by Carson’s feet and his heart soared and dived as the crowd cheered and shouted every action, but when he saw Bates flying to the floor and watched his Master bust the man’s nose, he shouted with the audience. The win was astoundingly popular and Rodney felt overwhelming relief that his Master was unharmed as well as elation at the win.

Of course Bates wanted to carry on the fight, but he was prevented by his own friends who held him back as all the scientists and most of the military surrounded the victorious major, patting him on the back and cheering. Teyla pushed her way through and pulled John’s head towards hers. Rodney could see that she was telling him something, but suddenly he was being pulled away, half choked, by Carson.

“Carson?” Rodney questioned as he realized where the doctor was heading.

Carson turned and blushed when he realized that he was still holding the leash. Rodney was the last person the beaten Bates would want to see, but Carson had to go and attend the man’s bleeding nose.

“Oh bloody hell, Rodney! Hey, Aidan? Would you take charge of Rodney and return him to his Major please?”

“Sure thing Doc!” Aidan Ford bounced and grabbed the leash. “How about that, Rodney? Your Master’s a cool dude huh?”

“Cool, sir... yes,” Rodney agreed, feeling less than pleased to be yanked about.

“That twist at the end?” Ford did his own interpretation of the move and Rodney was half throttled by his own collar. “Oh Jeez, sorry, I... look, let’s just get you...” he stopped and faced Rodney. “Rodney, man, did he tell you that he asked me to be on his team?”

“Yes sir, and he asked Miss Teyla too,” Rodney replied, rubbing his sore neck.

“Cool, look, I promised him I’d look out for you, so... you know, if you need me, just ask, OK?”

Much as Rodney wanted to just push the irritating lieutenant out of the way and make him stop bouncing like an over-excited puppy, the man was a free man and he had to reply politely.

“Thank you very much, sir,” he managed. “May I speak to my Master now?”

“Sure! Hey! Major! Cool fight!” Ford bounced off and Rodney followed sighing.

John saw them coming and grinned. He grabbed the leash quickly and ruffled the lieutenant’s hair.

“Watch and learn Grasshopper, and thanks for bringing Rodney,” John looked at his slave and saw his slightly worried face. “You ok, Rodney?”

Rodney checked his Master over for bruises and saw none, then he smiled and slid to his knees.

“Thank you, Master.”

John wanted very much to pull Rodney up and stop the severely embarrassing display of emotion, but the reaction from the crowd around them was one of interest and approval. Also Rodney was kneeling at his feet, waiting for him to say something, so John ran his hand through Rodney’s hair and cupped his neck.

“Listen up, everyone, Rodney is mine and no one is to touch him. That goes for all the slaves in Atlantis. I will not tolerate anyone abusing the slaves. They are human beings and they are not here for casual abuse. Treat them as valued possessions or delicate equipment if it makes you feel better, but I’d rather that you remembered that they are people too!” John looked down at Rodney. “You can stand up now, Rodney and I think it’s time for lunch.”

John leaned down and, as he unhooked the leash, he whispered, “You’re safe now.”

“Thank you Master,” Rodney replied happily, truly feeling safe for the first time in years.

Link to single ' scene' which then has links to Book 3!

the bribe, mcshep

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