It's horrible having to wait!

Jul 06, 2009 22:16

Title: It’s horrible having to wait!
Genre: Mpreg
Author: Fenchurch
Length: Drabble - not even 500 words
Unbeta’d. It’s just too short and anyway I have my anomaly scan tomorrow and I can’t think straight! It was suggested to me that I should make a series following my own pregnancy after posting ‘It Moved’, so here it is…


John put his hand firmly down on Rodney’s jiggling knee.


“Sorry! Sorry! Can’t help it!”

John sighed as the jiggling started up again. They had shared a terrible night, unable to sleep at all and waking each other up the moment either of them managed to finally drift off, so neither of them was at their best.

The worst part was that Rodney was just unable to get comfortable. It didn’t matter which way the man turned, he couldn’t find the best way to sleep. He couldn’t sleep on his front, for obvious reasons, he couldn’t sleep on his back because the little parasite (Rodney hated it when John used that word to describe their baby) would wriggle and Rodney would wake up feeling sick, and if he slept on his side, Rodney’s shoulder would begin to ache or go numb and he would have to flip over, invariably waking his non-pregnant lover. The bump was not happy when Rodney was on his side either, but at least he didn’t wake up feeling nauseous.

“Why do we have to wait? It’s not like it’s a clinic or anything! I mean it’s not as if we have to share attention with forty other screaming pregnant people!”

“Rodney! You know damned well they’re recalibrating the equipment! You’re the one who found out how to do it!”

“Yes, well… genius!” John chuckled at Rodney’s sudden smug face.

“They’ll call us when they’re ready.”

“How can you be so calm about this? We’re going to find out if it’s a boy or a girl!” Rodney shrieked.

“And if there are any problems. Remember, Dr Heider said that it’s the anomaly check.”

“Oh God! What if there’s something horribly wrong? I mean there could be! I’m a man and it’s not really natural this! What if the skin doesn’t cover the whole spine or something? Or it has spina bifida? Or the blood tests were wrong and it does have Down’s Syndrome? I can’t go through all this again!” Rodney wailed, increasingly shrilly.

John sighed, then he pulled Rodney towards him in a hug and captured his mouth in a kiss - the only sure way to shut him up. When Rodney melted against him, John stroked the side of his lover’s face and then rested his own head on top of Rodney’s which he tucked into his shoulder.

“We cope, Rodney. We do all we need to do and we do it together. But it’ll be fine, you’ll see.” John spoke softly and made himself believe. “You’ll see…”

“Gentlemen?” Heider’s voice cut into their panic. “We’re ready for you.”

It's not an 'it' anymore!

'it's' series - pregancy drabbles

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