[Monthly Challenge] March

Mar 01, 2017 09:37

Welcome to another monthly challenge to help you work towards your goal for the main challenge or to keep you inspired! Everyone’s welcome to join - you don’t have to be signed up for the main challenge to do a monthly challenge.
How it works:
  • write 1k of fic OR create 1 piece of art
  • you can also do a rollover challenge using a prompt or fic (if you’re making art) from the previous month
  • must be based on the prompt given
  • must be femslash
  • due by the end of the month (but can be posted at any time)

Submitting it:
  • add it to the AO3 collection with the tag ‘Femslash Big Bang Monthly Challenge’
  • send us a link via comment on this post or an email to femslashbigbang (if you’re not posting on ao3)

Prompt: Fantasy

  • If you are signing up as an artist doing art based off someone’s fic, please find and ask your author for permission FIRST. If the mods find out that you have taken someone else’s art or fic without permission, we will have to ban you from the monthly challenges. We take this very seriously.
  • With either of the Rollover options: you can either (a) work with the theme from the original or (b) adapt the original to the new month’s theme. It’s up to you how you want to interpret the rollover option!

Look forward to a masterpost of the fic and art to the February monthly challenge in a couple of days!
Also, hey, I’m your new mod! I’ll be helping out this year by posting the monthly challenges and check-ins every other month and making banners. Nice to meet you.

- Kiertorata

femslash, march, 2017, femslash big bang, monthly challenges

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