Fluff Challenge Response

Jan 18, 2007 10:06

Title: Reacquainting
Author: elfcat255
Pairing: Sam/Janet
Challenge: any pairing/corridor/wet paint
challenger: Ann
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: nope...but early in the relationship
Warnings: see the rating...this is what happens when fluff bunny meets smut bunny and they play...*grin*

The swinging door opened and Janet walked out into the corridor, pulling her lab coat on over the green scrub suit she wore. With a wide yawn she rubbed her hands across her face, trying to wipe the tired feeling away; she still had a few more hours of her shift left and getting sleepy wasn’t something she needed right now.

After spending several hours in surgery putting one of SG-5’s team members back together again she was now on her way to find some fresh coffee, hoping that would help her make it to the end of the long night. Her feet felt like lead weights as she walked down the deserted corridor, stopping to lean against a wall she took several deep breaths and sighed; she knew what the real problem was, there was reason she was so tired…she hadn’t slept well all week….why? Because she missed having Sam in her bed…that’s why. Closing her eyes for a moment the doctor’s thoughts traveled back to the last couple of months; since both of the women admitted their feelings to each other they had spent nearly every free moment together, except during emergencies for her or off world missions for Sam.

A small grin formed on her face as she thought of the many nights spent with her new lover…true they didn’t get much sleep but wrapped in the taller woman’s arms as they drifted off after making love was the best feeling Janet had in a long time.

“Dammit Sam hurry up and come home…I miss you,“ she muttered and then her eyes popped open, glancing around she breathed a sigh of relief, the corridor was still empty. ‘I so have to learn not to think out loud while I’m at work,’ Janet thought as she pushed herself away from the wall with one hand.

“Oh no,” she groaned as her hand came away sticky with paint, “Dammit…they could have put a sign up, “ she grumbled, removing her lab coat to check the damage. Muttering softly to herself Janet failed to hear the door next to her begin to open as she wiped her hand clean on the ruined coat; an arm circled her waist and a hand covered her mouth, dropping the lab coat to squirm in the grip she was lifted off her feet then moved backwards into the supply closet.

Struggling against her captor the doctor elbowed the person in the ribs earning her a loud oomph and they loosed their grip on her, she whirled around, her eyes blazing only to be surprised by soft lips covering her own in a searing kiss. Melting in the arms now circling her waist she relaxed, reciprocating the kiss as she let her tongue twine with that of her lover, exploring each other’s mouths in a lazy duel.

Sam broke the kiss and grinned at her lover, “Hi,” she said softly.

Janet replied a little breathlessly, “Hello to you too,” bringing her hands up to rest on Sam’s hips.

“Miss me?” Sam whispered in the doctor’s ear, ducking her head down to nuzzle her lover’s neck.

Janet let out a small groan as Sam trailed lazy kisses along her jaw line, “Oh god yes.”

Sam let her tongue trail over the hollow of Janet’s throat, with a soft nip to the sensitive skin along the curve of her lover’s neck she said softly, “I missed you too…really bad,” and moved her hands from Janet’s waist to run under the scrub top, trailing them up and down the doctor’s ribs.

With a gentle push Sam backed the doctor up against a nearby crate then dropped to one knee, pushing the top up to place a kiss on her lover’s stomach, she then looked up and spoke, “I missed touching you…tasting you…smelling you,” with each statement she placed another kiss on the skin before her.

Janet let her hand trail through blonde hair, “What are you doing?” she asked then moaned when she felt Sam’s hand slip into the waist band of her bottoms pulling them down as the other hand pushed her top up more and lips grazed her cloth covered breast.

“I’m reacquainting myself with your hot body,” Sam replied, squeezing the firm cheek cupped in her hand and nipping at the skin below Janet’s breasts.

“Sam…we can’t do this here,” Janet began to protest but it was cut off by a firm ‘shhh’ from her lover as her lips trailed soft kisses down the doctor’s stomach, stopping just above her underwear.

Looking up into her lover’s dark eyes Sam whispered, “Please,“ then nuzzled Janet through the cloth covering her sex when she received a nod; Sam hooked thumbs under the material, tugging them down she moved her head forward, tongue darting out to taste the doctor.

Janet gripped the edges of the crate with one hand, the other cupping the back of Sam’s head as her lover began slowly teasing her with gentle strokes, leaning back on the crate, the doctor let her head fall back as each stroke intensified and soft moans escaped from her throat.

Glancing up Sam ran a hand up her lover’s stomach, letting her finger slip under the material of Janet’s bra she brushed them over an erect nipple and pinched it between her thumb and fore finger as she applied soft suction to the sensitive flesh beneath her mouth. This caused Janet to let out a gasp and her hips bucked against Sam’s face as she increased the pressure, “Ohhh…Samm,” Janet moaned.

With the nipple still grasped between her fingers Sam sped up her movements, her tongue swirling around her lover’s erect node until Janet squirmed under her; she felt her lover’s body begin to tremble and with a soft nip of her teeth then a hard suck on the flesh in her mouth Janet let out a soft cry, her body shaking as she climaxed from Sam’s actions.

Catching herself from falling by grasping onto Sam’s shoulders the doctor let the feeling wash over her, she felt small kisses placed on her skin as Sam slowly rose from the floor, tugging up her disheveled clothing while she worked her way up to stand before her lover. Wrapping her arms around Janet, Sam pulled her close in a tight hug; placing a kiss on the head tucked under her chin, “Thank you…I needed that,” she whispered softly.

“Mmmm…I did too,” Janet replied, her body still feeling little aftershocks as she stood wrapped in her lover’s grip.

They stood like that for a few moments until Sam asked, “How much longer do you have left on shift?”

“Hmm…oh…a couple of hours,” Janet replied, the question bringing her back to realize where they stood.

“Want me to wait on you?” Sam asked, kissing the doctor’s temple.

“Yes please,” Janet told her, removing her head from it’s resting place she stood on her tip toes and placed a soft kiss on Sam’s lips, tasting herself on them she broke the kiss and grinned at her lover, “I have to pay you back when we get home.”

Sam returned the grin and replied, “I’m looking forward to it my dear.”

They both laughed softly and then Sam loosed her grip on the doctor, moving to the door she poked her head out, making sure the coast was clear and with a wink to her lover said, “Meet you in the infirmary,” then slipped out of the door.

Janet straightened her clothing, chuckling softly she shook her head at what just happened, “I had sex in a closet,” she remarked to herself and with a crooked smile on her face moved to the door then checking the corridor she slipped out. Picking her ruined coat from the floor where it landed when Sam grabbed her she tossed it over her shoulder and with a little bounce to her step walked down the corridor to go meet her lover in the infirmary.

sg-1, [214], elfcat255

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