Drabbletag 5, Bleach, Rukia/Orihime, enticing

Jul 01, 2014 14:24

Title: Sweet Scent
Author: Temari778
Fandom: Bleach
Pairing: Rukia/Orihime
Prompt: Enticing
Rating: G
Word Count: 145
Summary: The smell of her is alluring.

Orhime's skin smells of a mixture of bean paste and cherry blossoms. Rukia had to wonder why.

The scent is more enticing than it has a right to be.

Rukia is suddenly aware how close they are sitting next to each other on Orihime's bed. They weren't that close, their knees barely touching one another. She can feel the warmth of Orihime's body coming through her pants.

She clutches the bed sheet in her hands until her knuckles are white, resisting the urge to move closer to the other girl. She knows that if she did so, Orihime would give her a confused look, and ask innocently if she smelled funny.

She did, though. But, it was a nice smell. A very nice smell. It was....intoxicating.

Rukia shook her head a bit, hopefully escaping Orihime's notice. Snap out of it, she scolds to herself.

author: temari778, fandom: bleach, drabbletag5

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