Drabbletag 5, Cardcaptor Sakura, Sakura/Tomoyo, ribbon

Jun 27, 2014 19:09

Title: Scarlet
Author: Temari778
Fandom: Cardcaptor Sakura
Pairing: Sakura/Tomoyo
Rating: G
Prompt: Ribbon
Word Count: 160
Summary: Tomoyo helps with Sakura's ribbon

"Sakura-chan, your ribbon has come undone," Tomoyo points out in her usual saccharine voice.

Before Sakura can reply, Tomoyo reaches over and begins to untie it and re-tie it.

Sakura can't help but notice how close her friend was, her shirt brushing her shoulder. She smells faintly of lavender. She wondered why. She blushes, and hopes Tomoyo doesn't notice.

But, then again, why is she making such a big deal. Well, it was it wasn't a huge deal, Sakura thought, trying to ignore the warmth in her cheeks.

Tomoyo pulls away, a bit too slowly (or had she imagined it?), looking satisfied. "There we go. You look better now." she says, smiling sweetly, hands clasped to her chest.

Sakura didn't have a mirror with her, but knew that it must've looked okay. I'm okay with it, she thought. "T-Thanks," she says to her, words suddenly not wanting to come out of her mouth.

She hopes her cheeks aren't red anymore.

author: temari778, drabbletag5, fandom: card captor sakura

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