Title: Emeralds In Her Eyes
Drabbletag 5 - Green
Fandom: Once Upon A Time
Pairing: Regina/Tinker Bell
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 160
The forest stretches out around them, grass and shrubs and leaves in every shade of green imaginable. But the only green Regina cares about is the sparkling emerald of Tinker Bell’s dress, the shimmer that dances across Regina’s vision, even when she closes her eyes.
She presses her face to the fabric, feeling Tinker Bell’s warmth underneath. Biting lightly, just hard enough to be felt through the dress, and she feels the muscles of Tinker Bell’s stomach jump beneath her lips, hears Tinker Bell’s soft gasp above her.
Moving lower, and Tinker Bell spreads her legs eagerly, hips twitching against Regina’s hands. As hungry for Regina’s mouth as Regina is for her taste, and when Tinker Bell’s dress settles over Regina's head the world grows even more green than before. But Regina doesn’t notice, too distracted by the way Tinker Bell groans for her, silky flesh beneath her lips, and she presses her tongue deep, getting lost in her desire.