Title: Spitefully Yours Fandom: VicTorious Pairing: Jade/Tori Prompt: VicTorious - Tori/Jade - spite Rating: PG Word Count: 233 Contains/Warnings: none Summary: Tori had no idea why weird things were happening to her. --
I don't really know the fandom and therefore the characters, but I saw the prompt and was intrigued, and I'm so glad I decided to check it out! This was awesome, it actually made me want to look up the show to learn more about these two girls. Thanks for sharing!
Ah, you should give VicTorious a look! It has a lot of femslash subtext, especially between the two characters in this drabble - including an episode where they go on a date (it's forced by their teacher so they could understand each other better but it was still totally a date). The creator of the series, Dan Schneider, has a knack for getting slashy subtext by the radar but especially so in VicTorious. And it had aired on Nixkelodeon for three seasons before its cancelation! xD
Comments 5
Ah, you should give VicTorious a look! It has a lot of femslash subtext, especially between the two characters in this drabble - including an episode where they go on a date (it's forced by their teacher so they could understand each other better but it was still totally a date). The creator of the series, Dan Schneider, has a knack for getting slashy subtext by the radar but especially so in VicTorious. And it had aired on Nixkelodeon for three seasons before its cancelation! xD
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