Pulp Fiction #01 - After Hours

Aug 06, 2012 22:38

Title: After Hours
Fandom: DCU
Pairing: Lois/Diana
Prompt: Lesbian Pulp Fiction #01
Rating: PG
Word count: 250

Usually after an interview, Lois’s mind is racing. Comparing personal anecdotes to her research, shifting through quotes to find a theme she can centre the article around. Writing and rewriting introductions and hooks and conclusions in her head, over and over, until it all clicks together.

But right now, her mind is blissfully blank.

She’s stretched out across the bed, feeling utterly relaxed, utterly sated. Feeling like she’s glowing, like her muscles are little more than marshmallow fluff.

Diana lies beside her, chin propped up on one elbow. Fingers tracing over Lois’s abdomen, shimmering lightly with perspiration. Not Wonder Woman, not like this, naked and at ease, dark hair tumbling over her shoulders. Yet she’s still like a goddess, achingly beautiful and serene.

Lois doesn’t make a habit of sleeping with her interview subjects, but she’s quite certain nobody in the entire world would hold this one time against her.

She, of course, resisted all of Diana’s charms until after the interview was over. It wouldn’t do to be unprofessional, to let bias colour her questions.

“What are you thinking?” Diana asks quietly.

“That this doesn’t mean my article will go easy on you,” Lois replies, giving Diana a challenging look that’s softened by her smile.

Diana laughs, the sound of it rich and warming. “I’d expect nothing less,” she agrees, and she truly means it.

Diana has impressed her, has been doing so all day.

It’s rather gratifying to Lois to realise that she has impressed Diana as well.

drabble cycle: pulp fiction titles, fandom: dcu, author: salmon_pink

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