Pulp Fiction #12 - Encore

Jul 26, 2012 21:27

Title: Encore
Fandom: DCU
Pairing: Ev/Dinah
Prompt: Lesbian Pulp Fiction #12
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 250

People warned Dinah about college. They smirked at her, told her to keep an open mind but be safe, to let things happen but not get too swept away by the lifestyle.

Nobody ever warned her about Evelyn Crawford.

She gasps, biting down on the cry bubbling in her throat. Spine arching, back of her head rubbing against the pillows, arms spread wide and hands holding the sheets in a death grip.

“I can’t!” she groans, so sensitised it almost hurts, feeling like her heartbeat’s centred between her legs, throbbing under Ev’s tongue.

Ev makes a noise against her, low and dirty and encouraging, and Dinah feels it rattle through her, whimpers for it. Legs trying to squeeze shut against it, too much pleasure, too much, ending up with her thighs wrapped around Ev’s head.

Ev just keeps licking at her, so wet it makes Dinah flush. Kissing her clitoris, rippling her tongue against it, and Dinah hears Ev’s name echoing through her mind, realises she’s the one screaming it, as her hips push up and she falls over the edge into release.

Her whole body tingles afterwards, legs like jelly, and she watches as Ev crawls up the bed, licking her lips.

“Can’t believe you went this long without experiencing the joy of multiple orgasms,” Ev smirks in satisfaction.

She flops down beside Dinah, lacing their fingers together.

Dinah grips her hand and concentrates on breathing.

“So,” Ev purrs after a long moment. “Ready to go for number three?”

drabble cycle: pulp fiction titles, fandom: dcu, author: salmon_pink

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