Title: The Whole Trip
Author: joelthecat
Fandom: Sanctuary/Dr. Who
Characters/Pairings: Donna/Helen/Alt!Eleven
Rating: PG
Warnings: crack
Prompt: Journey
Word Count: 100
A/N: Continued from
The Serpent's Offer, or see the
Master Post Too late, then. Perhaps Helen could have kept Donna beside her, had the ginger not been so very sure that the Doctor had done something. Still, it might not be a total loss.
"He told me he should have done it before," Helen told her. "He said that he could have stopped... whatever happened to you. What did happen, Donna?"
Donna shook her head.
"I got caught up when he regenerated."
"But you only changed part way yourself?"
"He said the whole trip would kill me. The mental...."
Helen sniffed.
"Mental would be the right word for him, I think."