Something Special (Xena; Xena/Gab; G; #317: Enigma)

Apr 28, 2012 02:45

Working Title: Something Special
Author: Pirate Turner
Fandom: Xena, Warrior Princess
Pairing: Xena/Gabrielle
Rating: G
Challenge: #317: Enigma
Summary: ( There was something special growing between them from the very start. )

challenge317, fandom: xena, author: katleept

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Comments 2

demoka April 28 2012, 14:12:55 UTC
Eeee! ....Damn it, makes me wanna watch Xena again, but then realise half of what I have as canon isn't on screen! *pouts*

Thanks for sharing!


orlidepp May 6 2012, 21:05:59 UTC
Thanks, glad you liked it so much! :-)


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