Quick Fix, Once Upon a Time-challenge 295, Emma/Ruby

Nov 15, 2011 22:03

Title: Quick Fix
Prompt: #295 - drive
Fandom: Once Upon a Time
Pairing: Emma/Ruby
Rating: PG, kissing
Word count: 250

Ruby likes to break the speed limit. There's something about driving so fast that she can feel the pull in her muscles that makes her feel free. It's not like the diner isn't freedom of a sort, or that her granny is a horrible guardian. But it isn't leaving.

Not that Ruby wants to leave her life. At least, she doesn't think she does, even as she pushes her foot to the floor and feels the tires weave a pattern on the roadway beneath.

It's the same when she kisses Emma. Inappropriate, and probably illegal. But the thrill of it makes her almost vibrate.

She pulls away before Emma can push, trying to think up an apology--Emma is all wide-eyed surprise and half-open mouth. It's too tempting, but Ruby waits that extra second for the other woman to pull back. When she doesn't, Ruby kisses her again, letting her fingers dig into the red leather of Emma's jacket.

Red's always been her favorite color, so it doesn't surprise her that Emma caught her eye. Ruby's always been easy to distract.

It's like driving too fast, kissing Emma. Ruby revels in it; eventually, they'll come up for air.


author: lyssie, challenge295, fandom: once upon a time

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