Title: Before the Clock Strikes
Prompt: Cinderella
Fandom: Revolutionary Girl Utena
Pairing: Anthy/Utena
Rating: G
Word count: 100
A/N: Takes place during episode three.
Some would say that it's like something out of a fairytale, and though Anthy knows better, her breath still catches as Utena holds out her hand.
The cold, cruel faces of the crowd melt away as she and Utena dance. This moment is just for the two of them.
None of it's real, of course. Anthy knows that. The dress is a tablecloth, the prince is only a girl, and Anthy is anything but a princess. The spell will inevitably shatter like so much glass. But not yet, not right now.
Anthy dances, and she does not think of midnight.