As Goddess to King, Pirates, Elizabeth/Tia Dalma, R

Jun 30, 2011 07:21

Title: As Goddess to King
Prompt: #275 - 'pretty'
Fandom: Pirates of the Carribbean
Pairing: Elizabeth Swann/Tia Dalma
Rating: R
Word count: 200
A/N: Erm, probably post-movies. Also, I have re-written bits of this twice, and 'pretty' got lost in the shuffle.
Summary: Porn.

Words like fuck and more swirled through Elizabeth's mind as she writhed above Tia Dalma. The taste of the sea caught at the back of her throat, as though she were falling through a spray of mist.

The world was heat and pleasure, bursting over her as fingers pulled at the very fabric of her being.

"My king," had been the murmur against her hip, lips dragging over her skin before Tia's tongue had rolled over her and together they pulled her up-right.

Elizabeth had braced with her palms to the ceiling above, breasts heaving, sweat slicking down her body. Her hips worked, the heat became stifling, her breath too warm, too fast. Then Tia was laughing, teeth marking swift jabs of pain against Elizabeth's inner thighs as she lost all knowledge of which way was up.

The taste of the sea on her lips brought her back, and she moaned softly, turning her head and finding Tia's mouth with her own. Sprawled, tangled with the other woman, Elizabeth found herself almost content.

Not enough. Her hands brushed down Tia's sides, feeling the rush of the waves for an instant before she raised her Goddess above and slid beneath.

author: lyssie, challenge275

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