Title: Against the Wall
Prompt: The Frog Prince
Fandom: Revolutionary Girl Utena
Pairing: Anthy/Utena
Rating: PG
Word count: 150
A/N: Takes place during episode 39.
As a child, Utena had loved "The Frog Prince," but only the versions where the princess kissed the frog to end the enchantment. She hated the versions where the spell was broken after the princess threw the frog against a wall.
Now, she understands. Becoming a prince has nothing to do with kisses. Being broken and standing up again, that makes a prince.
Utena ignores the ragged pain in her side. She ignores the gaping emptiness in her chest. She ignores the false-prince who tries to turn her away. She even ignores the glittering pieces of her heart that have been smashed against ruthless stone. She thinks of only one thing.
The princess in the story was cruel and deceitful, but the prince loved her anyway. Perhaps he saw something that no one else did.
Staggering and dragging herself across the arena, Utena has enough breath for one word.
Title: Beyond the Thorns
Prompt: Sleeping Beauty
Fandom: Revolutionary Girl Utena
Pairing: Anthy/Utena
Rating: PG
Word count: 150
A/N: Takes place during episode 39.
Once upon a time, a princess slept in an enchanted castle.
No, once upon a time, a witch slept in an enchanted coffin. She had been sleeping for a long time, so long she was afraid to wake. So around the coffin she built a wall of thorns, for the coffin was also her heart. (This is a fairytale. Things like that happen.) The thorns were so wicked and sharp that the witch was sure no one would ever find their way through. And so she would close her eyes forever. Until one day a prince came to the castle that was a coffin that was a heart. She dove courageously into the thorns, and then... and then...
Utena cries out as the thorns rip her fingers. Still she struggles, even as her tears fall into the vast nothingness.
The thorns give way. The coffin creaks.
Anthy opens her eyes.