Three Drabbles (Various Fandoms)

Oct 08, 2005 17:50

These are all pre-femmeslash, so please forgive if they're not actual "couples."

Title: Card Shark
Challenge: Play
Fandom: The West Wing
Pairing: Abbey Bartlet/Debbie Fidderer
Word Count: 118 words

She was brilliant, and she dealt the cards like she lived her life… )


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Comments 2

projectcyborg October 10 2005, 20:16:24 UTC
I don't know the Stephen King book, but the pairings in the first two are sheer brilliance. love the card game theme.

*spanks you for going over the word limit*


projectcyborg October 10 2005, 20:19:58 UTC
oh, I see that it's actually a TV miniseries! *wonders how to file it*


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