Challenge 224 Clouds

Jan 29, 2010 14:45

Title: Breakdown
Fandom: Alien
Author: bast2
Pairing: Ripley/Lambert
Rating: PG
Words: 129

Ripley looked at Lambert through a cloud of coffee steam.

The usually, calm, level headed navigator was falling apart. Nails bitten to the quick, smoking cigarette after cigarette, she gazed around the ship's Mess as if she didn't know where she was. The presence of the alien and the death of Kane had shocked everyone, but Lambert seemed the most vulnerable.

Ripley moved to sit beside her; took her hand. "It's all right, Lambert. It's going to be all right."

Lambert looked at her lover, her blue eyes searching Ripley's brown ones. Then, slowly lowering her head to Ripley's bosom, she unbuttoned the warrant officer's shirt and began to nuzzle. "Cumulonimbus," she murmured.

"What?" Ripley asked, startled.

"Cumulonimbus. Like the clouds on earth."

Ripley trembled and held Lambert close.
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