challenge 217 - Alice/Duchess, 'In Hiding' (Skiffy's Alice mini-series)

Dec 13, 2009 02:36

Title: In Hiding
Prompt: challenge 217 - future
Fandom: Alice (Skiffy mini-series)
Pairing: Alice/Duchess
Rating: PG
Word count: 250
A/N: Post mini-series, also, why didn't the poor Duchess get a name? Silly writers.
Summary: Ending up back in Wonderland brings new adventures

Alice was never sure why she went back down the alley where the mirror had been. But ending up in Wonderland, on the run from the ruling party, seemed old hat.

Of course, it wasn't the Hatter at her side this time, and she wasn't sure why the other woman didn't have a proper name. At least Alice had convinced her to put on something more practical than a gold bikini and lame skirt.

"This will never work," Duchess hissed as they hid in one of the moldering towers of the ancient city.

From the sky, it was chess pieces forever locked in a game that hadn't been won. It had bothered Alice then, it bothered her now. "How do you know? There's something here, I know it."

"I just do--" Lunging forward, Duchess pushed Alice against the wall, kissing her so suddenly Alice couldn't do anything but wave a hand futilely.

Which was just as well, as light poured through, illuminating where she'd been standing.

The sound of the great air ship thrummed around her, but Alice wasn't listening, feeling her senses reel in shock or something else. Her hand came to rest on the other woman's cheek, fingers tangling into her curls for an instant before they both pulled back, breathing hard.

Behind Duchess, the light had gone, the thrum of the air-ship drifting away.

"That was--"

"Later. You have something to do, remember?"

Alice slowly nodded, filing the kiss away. There would definitely be a later.

author: lyssie, challenge217, fandom: alice

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