Title: Endings Fandom: RPFS Pairing: Gillian Anderson/Dana Scully Rating: PG Word count: 100 Disclaimer: Gillian is an entity independent from my word processor.
hehe. 'spectacle of crap.' That pretty much sums it up.
oh no, that means there are seven augusts left, not six ;p I always assume nothing happens in tv universes in the off season months. apocalypses in non-rating periods? what is the world coming to?
eeeeeee!!! this is my fault, isn't it?!? how I love corrupting people >;). this is ridiculously lovely and brilliant. I especially love "I don’t believe in actors." and another excellent use of "august"!
hehe. yes, it is entirely your fault ;) hurrah for bad influences! Now I can't stop writing RPF. the Mariska/Alex mindfuck fic is still messing with me.
Comments 9
There are only six Augusts left. Scully is going to enjoy this one.
Ah, yes. I forgot the end of the world. When did they say, again?
Some time in 2012, I think. But I can't bear to rewatch the last ep, to be sure. It hurts my eyes.
oh no, that means there are seven augusts left, not six ;p I always assume nothing happens in tv universes in the off season months. apocalypses in non-rating periods? what is the world coming to?
I'm so glad you liked it.
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