#142: Three ficlets: House, Cameron/Hadley

Mar 29, 2008 21:56

Title: Three ficlets: Insecure, Bold, Sure
Prompt: #142 - Security
Fandom: House
Pairing: Allison Cameron/Remy Hadley (“Thirteen”)
Rating: PG
Word count: 150/170/200

Insecure - 150 words

“It just seems like it would make you feel insecure,” Cameron said into her lunch, not meeting Hadley’s eyes.

“Am I wearing the ‘Ask Me About Bisexuality’ sign again?” Hadley asked drily.

“I’m sorry,” said Cameron. “I didn’t mean to put you on the spot like that.”

“It’s just that I get tired of explaining that I don’t need one of each at all times and if I have partner they can trust me.”

“No, but… It’s not even that though. I just meant for you personally… you don’t know what’s going to happen next, if you’ll meet a man or a woman.”

Hadley shook her head in confusion. “And you always know what’s going to happen next?”

She finally looked up from tray, seeing Hadley’s face, and the strand of hair that gently crossed it as she distractedly tapped the table with her fingers.

‘No,” she admitted. “I don’t.”

Bold - 170 words

“I know what I want and I go after it,” Cameron had told Chase not long before they broke up. He had burst out laughing and she had joined him. They laughed because it was true and because it so often wasn’t.

But this was a situation she had never been in. What cues was she supposed to follow? She was willing to break the rules but what were the rules anyway?

Hadley wasn’t helping, sometimes giving slow smiles Cameron was sure they both understood and other times acting like she was more an acquaintance than even a friend.

It took all the boldness that Cameron boasted of having to bring things to a point, a kiss in the parking lot that left Cameron trembling and Hadley looking honestly surprised.

“So, what is this? Curiosity, you changed your mind about needing to be straight and secure, what?” Hadley asked.

“So now I’m the one who need the right label?” Cameron replied. When Hadley laughed, she knew she had won something.

Sure - 200

“If you’re going to lie around in bed with me drinking coffee, you need to call me Remy,” she finally said a few mornings after bed first became a factor.

“Remy,” Cameron said, a bit shocked she couldn’t remember saying it before.

“You’re not my boss, after all,” she added.

“Then you’d be ‘Thirteen,’” said Cameron, rolling her eyes. “And I hope no one ever mistook me for him.”

Remy choked on her coffee and then there was a brief awkward silence.

“Allison, then, by the way,” Cameron said.

“You mean Cameron isn’t your first name?”


“It’s hard for you to admit what’s going on, isn’t it? In spite of this…” Remy said, gesturing at the rumpled bedsheet.

“I understand the sex. Unless you think I don’t.”

Remy just laughed.

“It’s the rest of it,” said Cameron. “I don’t know how the rules work.”

“There is no how. It’s just people, connecting or not, like always. But you’re not the only one who wants to be sure what’s going on, you know.”

Cameron reached for her hand. “There’s something going on. And not just in bed. If that helps any.”

Remy lay her head next to hers. “It helps.”

author: rosehiptea, challenge142, fandom: house

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