Challenge 131

Nov 27, 2007 22:28

Fandom: Battlestar Galactica
Pairing: Laura, Tory, Anders
Challenge 131 Red
Wordcount 100
Rating M to be safe
Pocketwitch was commenting on sad robot girl and that made me all oooh Laura/Tory

It was not romantic by any stretch of the imagination. More of a fast and frantic coupling hidden away from prying eyes in one of Galactica’s holds. Sam was surprisingly tender, much more than the brash athlete she’d originally taken him for. His fingers gentle, his manner attentive. The almost perfect lover. Except he’d called Kara’s name during his climax.

It should have made her unhappy. But Tory had a secret too. She pictured Laura’s hands caressing her. Saw her fingers run through long red hair. Heard Laura’s voice whisper her name. Knew it could never be.

So she settled.

Fandom: Battlestar Galactica
Pairing: Laura, Six
Challenge 131 Red
Wordcount 200
Rating M for safety

Six watched the trickle of blood flow down Roslin’s back with fascination. The knife had cut cleanly, deeply, prompting a gasp of pain from the former President. Not loud enough to satisfy Leoban’s need, but considering the source, Six was satisfied. A whimper from Roslin was almost the same as a scream from some of the other detainees.

The red drops trailing down her back joined the small puddle on the floor, warm and sticky, with that distinctive aroma. On impulse Six slowly traced one of the cuts, then moved to stand in front of the bound woman. Once she was sure that Roslin’s attention was fully on her, she seductively licked the blood from her finger, watching Laura’s face closely. Seeing the slight shudder the other woman failed to hide as Six smiled at the metallic taste of the blood.

Taking the knife from Leoban, Six held out her hand, drawing the blade across it. Repeating the same tasting, sensual gesture.

“We bleed the same, Prophet.”

“Maybe.” Laura smiled sweetly. “But we don’t just download into a new body when one is destroyed. Mortality separates us. And always will. Can you appreciate life, when you have nothing to lose?” 

challenge131, fandom: battlestar galactica, author: selenay_x

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