Challenge 126: Fairy Tale - Vala/Elizabeth Wier

Oct 20, 2007 22:49

Title: Complete Fluff
Prompt: Challenge 126 - Fairy Tale
Fandom:SG-1/SGA Crossover
Pairing: Vala/Elizabeth Weir
Rating: G
Word count: 150
A/N: This is bad, I know it is... but how cute would they be together??

There once was an alien named Vala. She was a traveler and watcher of gates. One day, when everyone else was away, she received a call for help. With no way of contacting the rest of her team and a life at stake, she went off on her own to the distant Replicator world to save someone named Elizabeth (who had been trapped there by bad casting negotiations). With surprising ease (and lots of crazy gadgets) she found Elizabeth, asleep in a medical bay as the machines around her remapped her network of nanites (network of nanites - that is fun to say). She tripped over the power cord and the machines shut off, leaving a very disorientated Elizabeth looking up at her beautiful rescuer. Music swelled as Vala leaned over to kiss the Elizabeth and they both lived happily ever after (with contracts through the end of the season).

author: ana_khouri, crossover, fandom: stargate sg-1, challenge126

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