More Around the Clock

Jul 09, 2007 16:03

Title: Wristwatch
Fandom: CSI
Pairing: Cath/Sara (prompt 10.00 - wristwatch)
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 119

Catherine lay unusually still and closed her eyes against the intensity. Sara hovered just inches above her, close enough to sway strands of blonde hair as she exhaled. Catherine knew if she cared to look (she didn’t) that she would be able to see the exact point where brown blended into green in Sara’s eyes.

Not moving her face away from the other woman, a scientist intent on her experiment, Sara peeled Catherine’s arms away from her body and pinned them against the headboard. Long fingers clasped wrists together in a bracelet of bone. One fingertip brushed against Catherine’s pulse point, tapping out the insistent rhythm of time passing.

Title: Office Gossip
Fandom: CSI
Pairing: Cath/Sara (prompt - 12.00 - Lunchtime)
Rating: PG
Word count: 138

“You have got to be kidding me.”

Warrick was glad Nick said it, he was too busy choking on his fries in disbelief.

Greg leant in conspiratorially, “Hodges said…”

At this Warrick found his voice, “Hodges? This is where we’re getting our information from now?”

“Hey he was just passing on what he saw.”

“Hallucinated more like.”

“Just think about it, ok?”

Greg’s pizza hung in mid air, halfway to his mouth, as he gave his slice of office gossip a little too much thought.

“No way man,” Nick’s brow furrowed, “neither of them, “ he waved his hand vaguely, “swing that way.”

Greg grinned and thanked the Gods for his subscription to HBO,

“ Actually recent statistics suggest that over 50% of exotic dancers identify themselves as bisexual.”

Warrick just raised a sceptical eyebrow,

“Fine. But I’m pretty sure Sara only swings Grissom wards.”

Title: Velocity of Speed
Fandom: CSI
Pairing: Cath/Sara (prompt - 13.00 -Instantaneous)
Rating: R
Word count: 175
AN: The title is from a Tori Amos song and the quote in the cut bar is from the ever amusing Carrie Fisher.

The two women crash through Sara’s front door noisily, an inelegant tangle of arms, legs and friction. It is Sara who stumbles first but Catherine is the one who bears the brunt, hitting the wall at full force. Her hip burns in protest. Her legs welcome a solid barrier to hold her upright as one-body surges into another.

For a moment they both stand still, breathless and off balance, then Catherine moves again, pushing the taller woman down to her knees. Sara offers a cursory show of resistance (a bite mark on one hip to match the bruise on the other) but smiles and starts to tug away at clothing.

The material of Catherine’s pants and underwear are replaced by wet, open-mouthed kisses creeping up the insides of her thighs. Catherine grinds her body down. Sara tilts her tongue up.

Sara is vaguely aware of hands in hr hair as the woman above her climaxes. Catherine hopes the pull and pain of strands breaking matches the pin pricks of light behind her closed eyes

drabble cycle: aroundtheclock

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