Challenge #112: X-Men: Just Add Eyeliner (Marie/Kitty)

Jul 02, 2007 02:22

Prompt: Challenge 112, pirate.
Fandom: Ultimate X-Men (not set in a specific issue)
Pairing: Marie/Kitty (Rogue/Shadowcat)
Rating: G | Word count: 200

Just Add Eyeliner )

challenge112, author: trascendenza, fandom: x-men

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Comments 7

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trascendenza July 5 2007, 05:20:10 UTC
Thanks! :)


projectcyborg July 4 2007, 19:09:48 UTC
*g* of course Jack Sparrow would be hot on almost anyone. love the not-touching thing -- that never fails to be delicious.

(I think the first "like" in the first line should be "look" though?)


trascendenza July 5 2007, 05:23:02 UTC
Thanks :D The not-touching is one of the hottest things about pairing anyone with Rogue, imo.

Oh, yes, it should; thank you for spotting that!


sheepfairy July 6 2007, 07:00:08 UTC
Ah, I love this lots! The imagery is just wonderful.


trascendenza July 6 2007, 21:26:43 UTC
Thanks so much!


shadow_lurker17 November 18 2007, 14:17:14 UTC
I loved how you did this scene I can picture it all in my head. To me Kitty/Rogue are a cute parining. There's never enough of that! Though this fic was short it was well done. Bitter sweet for them both. I only wish it was longer, great work though.


trascendenza November 18 2007, 15:01:18 UTC
Thanks so much! :)


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