Drabbletag #2: (Milicent/Hermione) and (Roslin/Janeway)

Feb 20, 2007 19:17

Title: A Little Bit Muggle
Prompt: Drabbletag #2 (prompt: meow)
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Milicent / Hermione
Rating: G
Words: 100

“Honestly Granger, what makes you think I’m going to like this?”

“Come on Millie, just try it.” Hermione said as she pulled the Slytherin down onto the couch at her parents’ house and turned on the television. “I promise if you don’t like it I’ll make it up to you.”

“Make it up to me how?” Milicent asked with a sly grin.

“However you want.”

“Remember you said that.”

Her mouth fell open as the woman clad in a shiny black cat suit paused to utter a single word.


“I told you that you’d like it.” Hermione whispered teasingly.

Title: Hope
Prompt: Drabbletag #2 (prompt: children)
Fandom: Crossover: BSG/VOY
Pairing: Roslin / Janeway
Rating: G
Words: 100

Kathyrn set her empty glass down on the counter and looked at Laura. The President was looking at something on the far side of the room with a wistful smile on her face. Craning her neck, Kathryn spied a small circle of children kicking a ball among themselves and laughing. Laura shook her head and sighed softly before she let her body relax against the support that was Kathyrn Janeway.

“Their laugher gives me hope.” Laura said as she rested her head on Kathyrn’s shoulder.

“I know.” Kathryn softly kissed her neck as she wrapped her arms around Laura’s waist.

crossover, drabbletag2

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